Parthenon Museum

Parthenon Museum

These statues greet you as your adventure in the museum begins.

The salvaged pieces of the Parthenon were once housed in a museum on the Acropolis. However, a new building was created in 2009, and all of the pieces have been moved here. This building is much larger than the older one and demonstrates a more complete dimension of the Parthenon.

One of the beautiful snake pieces discovered.

If traveling with groups, they may visit this museum after visiting the site.

Inside, come across the statues that once adorned the outside and inside of the monument. Some still have beautiful painted sections! Viewing these pieces, it is easy to forget that these were painted bright colors and they are beautiful even without paint. Come to Athena with her serpent cloak casting away others, pictures of what stones were used for color pigments, the famous Caryatid statues that have been moved inside and cleaned, and so much more. At the top, see the very panels that once lined the outside of the Parthenon.

The six Caryatid sisters standing together.

The newly built museum for the Parthenon and its treasures is 5 Euro. Just notice that in some rooms, pictures are allowed and not in others. This new museum has a see through floor too. See the amazing finds below the building!